Transfer of Ownership of DDD South West Limited

Yesterday, I appointed two new directors of DDD South West Limited, Martyn Fewtrell and Rob Bracken. At the same time I resigned as the then sole director of DDD South West Limited. Martyn Fewtrell has been on the DDD South West team every year since its inception and Rob Bracken joined the team with Rachel Clements for DDD South West 4.

To recap: DDD South West Limited is a "limited with guarantors" company. This means that although it can make a profit it is unable to distribute its profits because it is not allowed to have shares or shareholders. I chose this model for the legal DDD South West entity to get as close to a "not for profit" organisation as possible without having to go through the considerable hurdles of actually being a "not for profit" organisation.

The bank account (complete with a reasonable balance) will be transferred shortly.

As I have mentioned previously the time and effort involved in creating DDD South West each year is significant and it is apparent to me that I want to spend more time on technology and this community activity has inhibited this desire in recent years. As such it makes sense to transfer DDD South West to the community people who can find the time and energy to continue to this great event for years to come. A new leadership means new approaches and new experiments. Some experiments will succeed and some won't but then this was equally true for the first four DDD South West events. Please welcome the new leadership and the new direction and support them in the same fabulous way the community supported the first four years.

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Posted by: guysmithferrier
Posted on: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 at 4:51 PM
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